Instrumentation, Electrical & Automation
Caddo provides installation, calibration, and loop checks for all types of pneumatic/electronic instrumentation typically utilized for the control and monitoring of process systems.
Whether clients need a single, qualified craftsperson or an entire project team, we can provide a diversified and skilled professional staff to manage industrial, commercial, petrochemical, municipal, and photovoltaic projects, as well as routine maintenance.
Our custom designed systems monitor tank levels, pressures and rates in real time, sending alarm notifications for high/low levels, pressures and rates. Our automation system allows customers to manage all aspects of the facility, including the monitoring of rates, volumes, (unload or load) tank levels in real time, and if necessary, notifies the client if a problem arises that shuts down production.

Programing & Design
Our team of experts have the experience needed to design any application your company may need. From typical applications, to more sophisticated framework inside and out, the team can advise, and implement any structure needed.
Field Services
Our services allows your company to have experts in the field and on location for any critical need, repair, design or monitoring. The field services team provides a start to finish service, plus on going service to meet the needs of your system. Ask us about the many ways we can service your company.
• Electricians
• Instrumentation Techs
• Engineering Techs
• Automation Techs
Panel Fabrication
Our in-house panel fabrication staff can provide custom built panel enclosures for large and small applications.
• Custom Builds
• OEM Builds
• PLC Enclosures
• Battery Enclosures
• Communication Enclosures
• UPS DC & AC Enclosures
Hosted SCADA
PFI Hosted SCADA services is the solution to getting your data your way, and is the most powerful collection service available to the industry. For more information on our Hosted SCADA services, please contact us.
• View Reports & Tank Levels Anywhere
• Automated Regulatory Reports
• Review Facility Data Prior to Dispatching
• Real Time Alerts & Critical Notifications
• Reduce Risk of Environmental Cleanup Costs & Fines